3M Pathmarking – In Action…

3M™ EMS Caution Tape 7600 Series uses a new EMS 3M™ Electronic Marker System (EMS) Caution Tape 7600 Series
marker technology embedded into a caution tape for installation near or above the buried


Hose-Track goes from strength to strength

Hose-Track continues to prove its’ worth as more and more clients adopt it to manage their concrete hose assets. Concrete hoses are supplied without warranty, and historically, limited information has been available about


Site-Track™ awarded Statement of Excellence 2015 by RFID Nordic.

SitRFID EU_logoe-Track™ from Key2iD has been awarded the Statement of Excellence for 2015 by RFID Nordic.

Site-Track is a comprehensive solution for the management of buried assets on construction sites. Using 3M RFID


Key2iD receives largest order for EMS Tape products outside US

Key2iD Limited has received the largest order to date for the new 3M EMS Marker Tape outside the US. The tape will be used to mark the path of multiple buried services on a large greenfield development.

3M™ Electronic Marker System


Key2iD participates in Buried Asset Management Trial

Key2iD has taken part in a trial of Buried Asset Management solutions at a site in the grounds of Southampton University. The Key2iD trial involved burying 3M RFID Markers, and then using the Site-Track™ solution to capture details of the


3M underground technology takes off at Heathrow Airport

3M Test & Measurement Systems has announced that Heathrow Airports Limited (HAL) has begun using its advanced iD Ball Marker System to accurately pinpoint the exact location of the many underground services buried beneath Heathrow Airport.

The system is enabling HAL


Buried Markers Simplify Vegetation Management

Ameren adopts RFID technology to leverage right-of-way data for transmission lines.

Click here to read the full article: http://tdworld.com/features/buried-markers-simplify-vegetation-management

New “Locatable Rope” from 3M’s Electronic Marker System Enables Better Detection of Plastic Pipes

M™ Electronic Marker System (EMS)Rope 7700 Series

The Electronic Marker System (EMS) Rope 7000 series uses proprietary 3M path marking technology to deliver more accurate and more reliable tracking of underground plastic


Key2iD appointed Preferred UK Distributor by 3M

Key2iD are proud to announce that they have been appointed Preferred Distributor for 3M Locating and Marking products in the UK.

Key2iD have worked continuously with 3M since 2001 and have consequently developed a detailed working knowledge of the Locating and


Key2iD Completes successful Site-Track pilot on major site in Kent

Key2iD have successfully completed a pilot of the Site-Track buried asset management solution for a major UK construction company on one of their prestigious sites in Kent. For details, contact us.

