Key2iD has taken part in a trial of Buried Asset Management solutions at a site in the grounds of Southampton University. The Key2iD trial involved burying 3M RFID Markers, and then using the Site-Track™ solution to capture details of the utilities within each open trench. The trial was arranged by Birmingham University.
Site-Track™ allows for extensive details to be captured of all utility assets within a trench, and then, along with photographs taken as a part of the process, the data is immediately uploaded to the Site-Track™ database, where it is available to view within minutes via the Site-Track™ Web Portal.
When assets need to be located in the future, the operator uses a locator to pinpoint the RFID Marker, and then by reading the marker, the detailed record is displayed within the Site-Track™ App.
The benefits of the Site-Track™ solution are:
- Accurate, detailed records of all underground assets
- Improved Health & Safety performance
- Reduction in service strikes
- Compliant with current legislation (HSG 47)
- Greatly enhanced QA/QC
For more details, or to arrange a free, no obligation meeting, contact Key2iD on 0118 3801646